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Environmental and Carbon Emissions Policy Objective

Squiz wishes to become a carbon-neutral organization by 2040 and we believe the fastest route to carbon neutrality is by first focusing on the company’s largest carbon emission sources. These are air travel, data centers and IT hardware.

1. Purpose

This Policy aims to set out the minimum level of controls required across Squiz Pty Limited and its subsidiaries (Squiz) to limit or prevent a negative impact on the environment and climate change more broadly. This Policy applies to all employees of Squiz, third parties engaged by Squiz, and all alliances and joint ventures in all jurisdictions.

By implementing this Policy, Squiz acknowledges the scientific consensus on climate change, the range of impacts that Squiz’s operations may have on climate, and the commitment to managing climate risks that Squiz owes to its customers and the community more broadly. It also reflects Squiz’s desire to support the global goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with the 2015 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Paris Climate Agreement.

2. Policy

Squiz will implement a framework to support its commitment to being environmentally responsible through the following actions:

2.1 at a minimum standard, comply with all state and federal environmental laws, regulations and obligations;

2.2 commit to operating the Squiz’s business sustainably by:

(a) identifying, mitigating, managing and reporting on the material environmental risks and impacts associated with Squiz’s activities;

(b) planning and implementing strategies to effectively manage and reduce critical environmental risks and impacts across Squiz, such as greenhouse gas emissions, water management and waste reduction;

(c) where relevant, protecting natural systems and associated biodiversity in the regions in which Squiz operates;

(d) where practical, supporting the use of materials that are safe, recycled or reused, have low embodied energy and have a reduced impact on resource depletion;

(e) where material, consider sustainable packaging and circular economy strategies;

(f) requiring suppliers to comply with environmental laws and considering the environmental performance of potential suppliers as a factor in sourcing decisions; and

(g) encouraging environmentally responsible actions and behaviors among Squiz customers.

2.3 Each regional Squiz office is responsible for creating a program to support the objectives of this policy.

3. Offsetting Air Travel

Squiz recognizes that air travel creates carbon emissions making it a significant contributor to climate change. Being a global operation, international and domestic travel by air is sometimes necessary. However, Squiz endeavors to reduce air travel by assessing the need for each proposed travel plan and using virtual meetings. If the travel is necessary, Squiz purchases carbon offsets (when available) for each domestic and international flight undertaken by staff for business travel to compensate for the resulting carbon emissions.

4. Thank you Tree Planting

Squiz recognizes that some customers cannot accept gifts due to internal policies and many have environmental policies which align with this policy. We, therefore, propose to show our gratitude to our customers who provide references and valued feedback, take part in case studies and trial new products by planting a tree. Customers will receive an acknowledgment and data relating to the tree-planting gift.

5. Critical Suppliers*

Being a software and hosting provider Squiz relies heavily on electricity to carry on its business. Squiz does not procure electricity directly but through Amazon Web Services and data centers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS has implemented an impressive environmental and sustainability plan to combat the negative effects of its business operations.
AWS has publicly committed to:

  • reaching net-zero carbon by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement; and

  • reach 100% renewable energy usage by 2025.

As a customer of AWS who runs applications in AWS, Squiz can lower its carbon footprint by leveraging the sustainability practices implemented by AWS. Squiz also has access to the Customer Carbon Footprint tool which allows Squiz to monitor carbon emissions and see how the AWS path to 100% renewable energy will have a positive effect on our carbon emissions over time.

Data Centers

The data centers used by Squiz all have environmental and sustainability policies and practices which include and support some or all of the following:

  • ISO 14001:2015 accredited Environmental Management System

  • ISO 50001:2018 accredited Energy Management System

  • targets to achieve (or have achieved) 100% renewable energy in their operations

  • a commitment to net-zero emissions.

Cloud Flare

Cloudflare is a significant service provider to Squiz and has set and reached some worthy sustainability goals. Cloudflare reports that it powers its operations with 100% renewable energy and commits to removing all historical greenhouse gas emissions resulting from powering its network by 2025.


Apple is Squiz’s default technology supplier for computers and smartphones. Apple is already carbon neutral and they have committed to a 100% carbon neutral supply chain by 2030.

6. Waste

As a minimum, each regional Squiz office has implemented a system for recycling paper, plastic and glass products used in each office.

Squiz recognizes the environmental risks and complexities concerning the disposal of electronic products, consequently, redundant electronic products are either recycled or responsibly disposed of.

7. Reporting Obligations

Each Squiz entity must report any breaches of this policy and all substantial matters of environmental significance, including any environmental event or issue that is or is likely to be, required by law to be notified to a regulator (or which the failure to notify would constitute an offense or a breach of license) in which a Squiz entity is involved to the Squiz Board (by email to as soon as possible following the relevant event.

* Information regarding critical suppliers has been obtained by Squiz via the public websites of the suppliers. Squiz cannot verify that the information is true and correct.