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Cookie notice

This notice covers our use of cookies, IP addresses, and other technologies. It applies to all companies identified in the Squiz Privacy Notice.

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Privacy policy

Squiz is committed to your privacy. Read our privacy notice for a clear explanation of how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information.

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Managed Services & Support

Read our Managed Services & Support Agreement applicable to all Customers who have support included with their subscription services.

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Subscription Agreement US March 2024 Onwards

For US agreements entered on 25 March 2024 and onwards.

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Subscription Agreement Other Regions

Non-US regions and US agreements pre- 25 March 2024

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Acceptable Use Policy

Read the general legal agreement between Squiz and its users.

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Whistleblower policy

This policy sets out how to make a whistleblowing disclosure and how Squiz and its affiliates manage whistleblower disclosures.

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Fair use policy

This policy concerns consumption parameters allocated to Squiz customers for the use of Squiz’s products.

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Environmental and Carbon Emissions Policy

Details of sustainability at Squiz and our aim to become carbon neutral by 2040.

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Audit drills

Learn more about our platform health check and disaster recovery drills.

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Data processing

This agreement clarifies the roles and responsabilities of Squiz and its customers regarding the processing of personal data.

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Incident management

Understand how Squiz handles incidents, and what you should expect regarding priorities and response times.

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Read about our uptime, percentage uptime, downtime, scheduled maintenance and critical risk mitigation.

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People & Culture

Recruitment privacy (Poland)

Read our recruitment privacy agreement specifically for applicants subject to Polish laws and regulations.

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