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Faceted navigation

Help your users filter or refine a set of search results to quickly drill down on items or sub-sections of interest.

Faceted Navigation (feature page hero)

What is Faceted navigation?

Faceted navigation is designed to help users refine their search by providing a set of dynamic filters related to the search results.

Facets show categories of your choice (i.e. videos, social media, directory, etc) along with a count of matching results for each category to help users focus on the type of results desired.
Waves Decorative Image

How does Faceted navigation work?

Faster search refinement

Help users filter or refine a set of search results to quickly drill down on page results that may contain too many results.

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Faster search refinement

Help users filter or refine a set of search results to quickly drill down on page results that may contain too many results.

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Related searches

Help users refine their queries and find what they are looking for by offering related popular query suggestions.

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Related searches

Help users refine their queries and find what they are looking for by offering related popular query suggestions.

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Demo video

take a closer look at how faceted navigation work in this short demo.

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