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Predictive search

Provide users with real-time suggestions as query terms are typed into the search box.

Predictive search

What is predictive search?

Offer a Google-like search experience with a predictive search that provides instant suggestions to users as they type.

By offering relevant suggestions based on the initial characters entered, your users will be able to quickly find what they are looking for, resulting in increased satisfaction and a reduced search bounce rate.

How does predictive search work?

Simple auto-completion

Quick and easy to set up, simple auto-completion returns suggestions that are words and phrases found within the content.

Simple auto-completion

Simple auto-completion

Quick and easy to set up, simple auto-completion returns suggestions that are words and phrases found within the content.

Structured auto-completion

Serve advanced auto-complete suggestions based on structured CSV data to provide richer content, such as thumbnail images or other data in the suggestion.

Structured auto-completion

Structured auto-completion

Serve advanced auto-complete suggestions based on structured CSV data to provide richer content, such as thumbnail images or other data in the suggestion.

Simple auto-completionStructured auto-completion

Demo video

Take a closer look at how predictive search works in this short demo.

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