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Expand or modify the user’s query terms behind the scenes to cater for language differences and still return the expected results.


What are synonyms?

A synonym is any word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language (e.g. lawyer, attorney, solicitor).

A search administrator will use synonyms to expand the “meaning” of a query, and ensure that other closely-related words are also considered in the results presented to the user.

How do synonyms work?

Expand your thesaurus

Use synonyms to expand or modify the user’s query terms behind the scenes and return a wide range of similar search queries.


Expand your thesaurus

Use synonyms to expand or modify the user’s query terms behind the scenes and return a wide range of similar search queries.


Further enhance the user experience by fixing a misspelling and return results for the most likely query.



Further enhance the user experience by fixing a misspelling and return results for the most likely query.


Demo video

Take a closer look at how synonyms work in this short demo.

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