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Help your customers uncover public information

Enhance public satisfaction and decrease customer phone support with a search engine that allows all your content to be readily accessible and easily searchable.

Government search

Trusted by government agencies in the USA

How government agencies use Squiz DXP

Give your customers quick and accurate answers to their inquiries with a search engine that returns the most relevant results every time.

Wellington City Council

Wellington is New Zealand's centre of government and the world's southernmost capital city. The Wellington City Council looks after the administrative needs of 57 suburbs and more than 200,000 people.

How a local council replaced… their Google search bar

After the discontinuation of support for the Google search appliance, Wellington City Council looked at other alternatives.

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Tri Borough Council

The Tri Borough Council is a project between three councils in West London, in an effort to consolidate sovereign service provision and lower costs.

Lowering costs with a single search solution

In an effort to consolidate services and reduce costs, three councils were looking to replace their different suppliers with a single offering.

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Waves Decorative Image

Make information discoverable

Use our site search capability to organize your content effectively. Highlight important pages and provide users with helpful suggestions to enhance their search experience.

Results curator

Promote results, personalize content or run specific rules based on the query, context or user behavior.

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Results curator

Promote results, personalize content or run specific rules based on the query, context or user behavior.

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Predictive search

Provide users with real-time suggestions as query terms are typed into the search box.

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Predictive search

Provide users with real-time suggestions as query terms are typed into the search box.

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Expand or modify the user’s query terms behind the scenes to cater for language differences and still return the expected results.

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Expand or modify the user’s query terms behind the scenes to cater for language differences and still return the expected results.

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Faceted navigation

Help your users filter or refine a set of search results to quickly drill down on items or sub-sections of interest.

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Faceted navigation

Help your users filter or refine a set of search results to quickly drill down on items or sub-sections of interest.

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Multi-source indexing

Let users search across all of your digital content with simple data integrations that you can implement in minutes.

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Multi-source indexing

Let users search across all of your digital content with simple data integrations that you can implement in minutes.

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AI Tuning

Quickly present highly relevant search results to your users with AI technology that trains your search algorithm based on behavior.

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AI Tuning

Quickly present highly relevant search results to your users with AI technology that trains your search algorithm based on behavior.

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